MB&F takes a step forward into getting closer to its customers by introducing a new e-commerce concept. For more detail, please check the official text below. It also includes links to the digital platform.
The last few months have been challenging, forcing companies across all sectors to rethink their business models. At MB&F this involved finding new ways to stay close to clients without being physically present, since most of our partners’ retail operations were on hold: at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, 24 of those 27 points of sale were closed! Offering customers an e-commerce option has become an essential part of the mix… but as you’ll see, we’re doing that with a twist.
Today we announce a new e-commerce concept: the final step of an evolution that has been taking place over the last 12 months.

First, about a year ago we relaunched the e-shop of our MB&F M.A.D. Gallery in Geneva, featuring our MB&F + L’Epée 1839 table clocks and other kinetic sculptures from our M.A.D.Gallery artists. The traffic and sales on that channel have increased significantly over the last months; but until recently, MB&F wristwatches were not offered on the platform.
Adding our Horological and Legacy Machines was the logical next step. However, rather than launching a conventional e-shop featuring our entire collection, we will be offering a selection of just a few references, for limited periods of time on a rotation basis. This has already started with our most recent launches: the HM10 Bulldog, launched at the end of March, is on our e-shop since last month. The just-released LM101 MB&F x H. Moser was our first launch to offer the option of an online purchase, immediately from the day of the launch – and to our great pleasure, this resulted in the first-ever online sale of an MB&F wristwatch.

Now for the twist – and to the best of our knowledge, this is an innovation for the watchmaking sector: our e-shop selection includes pieces from our retail partners. Here again, our approach is not to offer the entire inventory of our partners, but carefully-selected pieces – typically the last remaining piece of a specific reference. Those pieces, although promoted on our e-shop, are sold in full transparency directly by our retail partners to the final customer; our e-shop acts as an additional sales channel for our partners, and we take no extra commissions or fees on those sales.
The first retailer piece to be included is the very last HM3 Frog Titanium on the market, offered by our partner Westime (boutiques in Los Angeles, La Jolla and Miami). We’ve also added to the selection one of the last remaining LM2 White Gold Purple pieces, available from our Geneva M.A.D.Gallery.
I’ve added a glimpse below, but please have a look at the live e-shop here: https://shop.madgallery.ch
For a direct access to the MB&F Machines section: https://shop.madgallery.ch/pages/mbandf-machines